The Ultimate Battle Between The Eye AND The Camera

Human Beings

Humans have been the most incredible and intelligent species in the universe ever yet.Looking at their history, whether they are the result of the evolution or are a totally different species, their physical appearance is remarkable.From head to toe, covering all parts of the body inside or out, are so perfectly and finely structured which amaze human being themselves.
We are all humans and being a normal human being, we must have a brain and a heart, a pair of eyes, ears, nostrils and etcetera.We are the most intelligent species, and that's why we are the most curious ones and therefore we question, we ask and we try to answer those by ourselves through experimentations.And accordingly, we also question our own physical appearance.So, that is why you are reading this post, because you want to know how we became social animals, who are making skyscrapers, inventing the unbelievable and discovering the extremes from a previously living wild animal, who used to hide in caves from the fear of beasts and other wild animals yet they were far behind Humans' intelligence?How we studied our own selves and tried to replicate them?Well, the answer seems obvious, and that is, we had an untapped resource of intelligence which was utilized time by time in history to bring us to this modern day.
As we are talking about the advancements of human beings and we have entitled this post as 'The Ultimate Battle Between The Eye And The Camera - Which One is Better?', so we will only touch this topic in detail while the other topics may be touched in other posts.So let us Begin.

The Eye Or The Camera?

We have basic five senses and they are the sense of touch, smell, taste, sight, and hearing.All of these are incredible but we will only discuss the sense of sight.The sense of sight is facilitated by our eyes, which help us see through and make an image in our brain.Our eyes have got a bunch of different parts, each serving their own duties to help us see a sharp and clear image but we are going to mention only those which are similar to that of a camera.


Our eyes consist of the eyeball; it is the whole eye organ which has some more parts.This eyeball contains the Iris; the round circle in the white of the eye, furthermore, this Iris hosts a tiny dark hole, the Pupil.The Pupil is attached to a lens and that lens is attached to eye muscles, which relax and contract to change the physical properties of the lens.And then in front of the lens is a wall with optic nerves.
While in the case of a camera, there is a lens in front.After the lens comes the aperture and in front of the aperture is the image sensor.To make everything easy, we are going to mention them in points.
1-The pupil of the eye works like the aperture of a camera.
2-The lens of the eye works like the lens of a camera.
3-The optic nerves of the eye work as the digital image sensors of a camera.

How Do They Work?

Ibn-al-Haitham, a Muslim Scientist, was the first man in the history who studied the human eye and properly understood how it functioned.He also tried to replicate it and was successful in making the world's first ever camera; The Pin-Hole Camera.Who knew that this basic camera would turn out to be a weapon of the 21st century.This basic pinhole camera was made with a box.On one side of the box was poked a hole of the size of a pin.This tiny hole would allow light to enter the box and to form an image on the opposite side of the box.Ibn-al-Haitham mostly used it to study the sun, as seeing directly towards the sun is almost impossible with the naked eye, the tiny pinhole would allow very little light, thus decreasing the intensity of light and forming the image of the sun, easy to study.

Note: This early camera did not take pictures.It could only be used to see in real-time.

 Although Ibn-al-Haitham's camera was very basic and did not take pictures nor did it have any lens.It is still very important because it is the mother of the modern cameras.Same as the Pupil of our eye, the aperture of the camera allows light to enter and hit the image sensor which in the case of the eye is just a combination of optic nerves.The pupil and the aperture may expand and shrink according to light intensity.More light will mean smaller hole and that is why in dark areas our pupil expands and in bright areas it shrinks and becomes smaller.The size of these holes not only respond to brightness or darkness, but they also affect the depth of field, meaning the block of focus in which anything is in focus.Wider aperture or pupils will decrease the depth of field while smaller aperture or pupil will increase the depth of field, thus most part of the image will be in focus.
But now you should be asking that if a wider hole means less part of an image will be in focus while the rest of the image will be blurred and blown out, so why we still get an image with razor sharp parts and yet we see sharp and crisp scenes with our eyes?Hold on! The lens must play a part.Lens are stationed so they bend the rays of light through refraction and direct them to hit the sensor to get a sharp image.


It is a well-known fact that nothing can beat nature.We are all natural and we have natural intelligence and yes, we try to make artificial intelligence and even get close to making them look natural but at the end, they are artificial, man-made and imperfect.And it is also the case with the camera.We are making cameras with better sensors, more resolution, and more pixels.We get better image sensors because we love to see great colors and more detail.We also try to increase the pixels because they come very useful in zooming and cropping of a part the image.Scientific studies revealed that if an image was to be taken with the Human eye, it would have turned out to be around 656 million pixels.And we know that there a lot of cameras which have a lot more pixels than this estimated number.But just to think, first of all it is an estimate and can be more if a picture was to be taken with the human eye and the second point is that if this estimate turns out to be true, it still would not be a surprise that an artificial eye has a lot more pixels than a natural human eye as more pixels are only needed to later zoom in into a picture to see the detail while our eyes do not take any pictures at the first place nor do they need to zoom in.So, in short, it is a wonder that without needing of zooming into a picture, our eyes still have a lot of pixels.
The second difference I have noticed is that the lens comes before the aperture in a camera while the lens in the eye comes after the pupil.Moreover, as we have two eyes, the images from both of the eyes merge into a single wide image.That's why our eyes have got a very wide angle as compared to cameras.

Reviewing both gets some pretty interesting results.Both of them are incredible at their own place.From the nature point of view, the eye is a wonder and from the man-made point of view the camera is just another wonder and the rest is your choice.